Frequently Asked Question

Can't Import Demo Content
Last Updated 10 years ago

When trying to import the automotive demo content you may encounter some errors. The server you are running plays a big part in whether or not the import will be successful as it does require a certain amount server power.

GoDaddy servers are notorious for deeming our import process as a runaway resource consumer and they kill the script, GoDaddy users will most likely need to do the manual import.

If you demo content installer fails on step 1 you will need to re-upload the demo_content as described below:

  1. Login to your ThemeForest account and go to "Downloads".
  2. Download "Automotive Car Dealership Business WordPress Theme".
  3. Inside the download there is a folder named "Theme & Plugin" and inside that there is a zip named "".
  4. Extract the folder "demo_content" and re-upload it to wp-content/plugins/automotive/ and replace the existing files.

If you are still receiving the step 1 failure, you will need to manually upload the demo content as some configuration in your server is preventing the reading of the XML file, here is a link to the section in the documentation.

If the automotive installer fails on step 9 this means the Revolution Slider failed to import the slider which could be because your server doesn't have the ZIP archive module installed. You will need to import the Revolution Slider by going to "Revolution Slider" >> "Import Slider" and uploading the file found in the them bundle inside the "Demo Content" folder.

We offer the manual installation in our theme bundle in the "Demo Content" folder inside the folders "1 Part XML Import (For fast web hosts)" or "5 Part XML Import (For slow web hosts)". More about it in our documentation.

If you need to try re-importing the demo content you will want to reset the database using a plugin similar to this.

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