Frequently Asked Question

Using the Automotive forms on other pages
Last Updated 6 years ago

We include 5 automotive forms in the Automotive Listings plugin:

To use these forms on other pages with custom buttons is very simply, firstly make sure you have the setting under Listing Options >> Email Template >> Remove forms on pages set to disabled so the forms are shown on all pages.

Next you just have to create a link with the class of "fancybox_div" and the href pointing to one of these locations depending on which form you would like to appear:

href form
#request_fancybox_form Request More Info
#schedule_fancybox_form Schedule Test Drive
#offer_fancybox_form Make an Offer
#trade_fancybox_form Trade-In Appraisal
#email_fancybox_form Email to a Friend

The same process can be used with our "Call to Action" area under Page Settings while editing a page, here is an example using the schedule test drive form:

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